Monday, April 19, 2010

Habbo Runway

What's hot and What's not in Habbo.

This is hot ??????                                         
What do you think ?????

Why I said this hot. Have you ever imagine some guys wearing pink pants walking on the road side? Commonly, we saw they wore pink shirts and whats not, but this one, he wearing a pink pants with stripes shirt. Not many people have that type of hair color. Mostly people think sweaters are cool, hot, funky, hip, modern, groove-a –licious and sexy. It it man! Its cool! That's why I choose this one, as a Hot Stuff in Habbo ;) 
Simple and trendy. Updated and of course, easy going on you teenagers! :D 

Or this ?

People will see this as a regular clothing. People will look down on this due to the trendy clothes that are now widespread with clothing that is more attractive and stylish.